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3.64ct Natural Neon Blue Paraiba Tourmaline Mozambigue Gemstone PRA09

Natural Neon Blue Paraiba Tourmaline Mozambigue GemstoneStone:ParabiaWeight: 3.64 CtColor: Neon BlueOrigin: MozambiqueCutting: CabochonTreatment: noneCertification: AlGS   WB Gems Precision Cut Factory (Thailand) – Established in 2008 Our Services: • Expert...

WB Designed precision cut tourmaline afganistan neon pink color clean 1.20ct WB Gems TMA67

By WB Designed precision cut tourmaline afganistan neon pink Al- Afghanistan tourmaline WB gems precision cut factory from Thailand since 2008 years.  We Do: Design and create Gem cutting as...

6.55Ct Natural lagoon tourmaline blue color gemstone loose stone by partner of WB Gem TMG09

Special intense Lagoon color blue tourmaline Namibia , transparent crystal. WB gems precision cut factory from Thailand since 2008 years.  We Do: Design and create Gem cutting as beauty. High...