
77.59Ct Natural unheated kunzite gemstone loose stone untreatment clean light pink color afghanistan WB Gem KZA04

Untreated kunzite pink color Germany cutting WB gems precision cut factory from Thailand since 2008 years.  We Do: Design and create Gem cutting as beauty. High quality Precision cutting gemstone....
1-4mm Natural Russia demantoid Urals gemstone loose side stone vivid color diamond cutting wholesale available WB Gem BB2 1-4mm Natural Russia demantoid Urals gemstone loose side stone vivid color diamond cutting wholesale available WB Gem BB2
Other size please contact customer service 3-4.7mmOther color please contact customer servicePer Carat price 1st color vivid green 1.5-2.8mmPer Carat price 2nd color vivid green 1.5-2.8mmPer Carat price 3rd color vivid green 1.5-2.8mmPer Carat price 4th color vivid green 1.5-2.8mm1 piece 1.1mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.2mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.3mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.4mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.5mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.6mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.7mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.8mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 1.9mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.0mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.1mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.2mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.3-2.4mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.5-2.6mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.7mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 2.8-3.0mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 3.5-3.7mm 1st color vivid green1 piece 3.8-4.1mm 1st color vivid greenPer Carat price 5th color vivid green 1.5-2.8mm

1-4mm Natural Russia demantoid Urals gemstone loose side stone vivid color diamond cutting wholesale available WB Gem BB2

$25.00 – $2,000.00
urals russia demantoid is best vivid green color for garnet family and all color gemstone, diamond cut make it more beautiful then diamond,  bcz luster is same stronger as diamond...
a pair 18-33ct Natural green quartz green amethyst gemstone loose stone precision beauty cut brazil WB Gem    OQB01 a pair 18-33ct Natural green quartz green amethyst gemstone loose stone precision beauty cut brazil WB Gem    OQB01
Pear 27.45ct/2Pear 18.47ct/2Oval 31.01ct/2Oval 26.25ct/2Oval 24.82ct/2Round 24.20ct/2Round 23.27ct/2Round 19.07ct/2Squre 23.13ct/2Squre 22.58ct/2Squre 20.87ct/2Squre 18.22ct/2Cushion 30.29ct/2Cushion 23.02ct/2Cushion 22.60ct/2Heart 13.2ct/21piece 16.86ct pear1piece 16.47ct pear1piece 10.84ct heart1piece 6.62ct cushion1piece 15.88ct oval1piece 14.72ct oval

a pair 18-33ct Natural green quartz green amethyst gemstone loose stone precision beauty cut brazil WB Gem OQB01

$60.00 – $250.00
仅限顶级合作供货 - 谁可以与我们进行现场销售,请联系来自泰国的私人WB 宝石精密切割工厂,自 2008 年以来。 我们做的:设计和创造美丽的宝石切割。高品质精密切割宝石。各种宝石精选供应。从当地办事处批发 B2B 采购。寻找全球经销商代理。高端工艺珠宝。 我们保证我们的描述是正确的。100  % 自然阳光下的真实照片。无理由退货。 通过联邦快递或挂号信运送到世界各地。 买方全权责任:运输税和其他。我们支持以下所有曼谷实验室制作您的证书:Guild、GIA、GRS、AIGS、GIT、Lotus、Gublin、SSEF、CD、AIG 等。   

rare 10.94ct Natural chrome sphene gemstone loose stone color change by partner of WB Gem SHG02

SHG02 100% Eye Clean chrome sphene full play color and colorchange WB gems precision cut factory from Thailand since 2008 years.  We Do: Design and create Gem cutting as beauty....