
3.26 ct Heart Shaped Natural Ruby AIGS Certified Pigeon’s Blood Gem RA100 | WB Gem

  Celebrate love and elegance with this AIGS Certified 3.26 carat Natural Ruby, artistically cut into a heart shape that beautifully showcases its 'Pigeon's Blood' pinkish-red allure. This precious gemstone...

3.03ct GlA certified Burmese Burma Ruby Pigeon Blood colorheated RMHA1

GlA certified Burmese Burma Ruby Pigeon Blood colorheated WB Gems Precision Cut Factory (Thailand) – Established in 2008 Our Services: • Expert design and precision gemstone cutting for ultimate beauty....

GlA certified Unheated ruby 4.40carat Mozambique eye clean RA90

GlA certified Unheated ruby 4.40carat Mozambique eye clean WB Gems Precision Cut Factory (Thailand) – Established in 2008 Our Services: • Expert design and precision gemstone cutting for ultimate beauty....

Certified 3.97ct Natural ruby unheated gemstone loose stone red color eye clean cabochon WB RA17

WB gems precision cut factory from Thailand since 2008 years.  We Do: Design and create Gem cutting as beauty. High quality Precision cutting gemstone. All Kind of Gemstone Selection Supply....